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PRO UI Blogger Template

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PRO UI Blogger Template

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PRO UI Blogger Template has been prepared by primarily for a news website. But if you want, you can modify it according to your requirement to create any type of website. It is very easy to modify PRO UI Blogger Template. Through this theme created by us, you can improve the speed of your websites as well as improve the SEO of the website. The main features of PRO UI Blogger Template are as follows: -

Sticky Header Menu: In the PRO UI Blogger Template created by us, you will get a sticker menu which you can easily modify according to your requirement.

Related posts: When you post any type of article, related posts appear automatically just below it, which looks very beautiful and this will keep users on your website for a long time, if they want, they can also read another related article.

Comment systems: In the PRO UI Blogger Template created by us, you will also see a comment system so that the user can comment below any post if he wants.

Cookie Consent Button: This is a notification image which whenever a user comes, the option to accept or reject the consent is given so that the user agrees that whatever is on this website is correct.

Custom Footer Credit: You can easily change the footer credit of the PRO UI Blogger Template prepared by us. When you change it, you will not see any kind of redirecting problem.

Custom Notification: In this thing, you also see the custom notification button, you can change it according to your requirement.

Translate Button: You will also see the translate button in the PRO UI Blogger Template prepared by us, with this, if the user wants, he can easily translate the language of your thought into another language.

Join WhatsApp Channel Button: Inside this theme, you will also see the Join WhatsApp Channel button in the right corner which will appear in every post, so that the user can easily join your WhatsApp channel.

Post Bookmark Button: There is also an option to bookmark posts in PRO UI Blogger Template, so that if the user likes any article and wants to see that article in future, he can book that article and later can see it easily by going to the bookmark.

Change Mode Button: With the help of this feature, the user can view your post in dark or other mode on your website.

Social Share Button: Social media share button is also included in this PRO UI Blogger Template.

Apart from this, there are many features of the PRO UI Blogger Template created by us. Which you can see through the preview.

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